Governor Jan Brewer Defends Arizona Day of Prayer


Date: April 21, 2011
Location: Phoenix, AZ
Issues: Religion

Thank you -- and good morning, everyone!

And, thank you, Joni, for that wonderful message.

It's truly an honor to be with you -- to be a part of your inspiring ministry -- and to hear the beautiful voices of John and Ruby.

Thank you.

It was Saturday, January Eighth.

I was in the House Chamber, rehearsing my State of the State address, for the following Monday, January 10th.

It was then we received the terrible news of the shooting in Tucson.

We were told a gunman had taken six lives, gravely injuring my friend, Gabby Giffords, as well as several other innocent people.

While we all struggled to get more news, while trying to make sense of what we DID know that day, almost without hesitation, my Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, Paul Senseman, drew my staff together, hands were held and a prayer was offered -- asking for God's comfort and grace. For me, that was a vital step in our spiritual recovery.

I know countless prayers have been offered since that terrible day -- and continue to be offered -- for those we lost -- those who suffered -- and those who are suffering still.

And, I believe God IS listening.
